So as part of my refocusing my blog, I am going to start posting about myself more often, and I am going to post about the monthly themes that are being used in the Burning Embers blog. And the theme for March is Marketing Madness.
I will tell you what, as an author my favorite thing to do is get to know other authors, and make new friends. My least favorite thing to do is marketing and promotion.
I don’t have much experience in marketing and promotion outside of posting about my books on Facebook (which ever since the updated community standards came into effect, I am in FB jail more often than not for spamming book groups), Instagram (which I do so sporadically, I might be better off to drop it), Twitter (here again I am so rarely on Twitter, and don’t really like it for my own use that my postings there are often ineffective), and other platforms where I have a presence.
I have got The United, The Realm of the Light Book 1, included in a few different book promotional emails before, and getting would like to get into higher quality promotions with a more active reach, but at only 27 Amazon reviews, my options are limited to the 25 or more promotional opportunities.
My biggest limitation is money. I do not have the means just start paying out a $300/month on ads or promotions right now. So everything I am able to do, I do without paying for ads and promotions. In fact what has been my experience is that I drop $500 on a promotional run for The United, or a new release, and I make back like $20 in royalties. I know that sounds upside down, and I agree, it is. This drives home my point that I am still learning how to effectively use my limited marketing budget.
My point?
Marketing is struggle for me. I have not found my niche market, I have a platform that is effective for me, and I have not been able to successfully sell my books on a consistent basis.
My challenge for March?
Learn about any new platforms to try and market my books, reword some of my self published book descriptions, and update my blog. As the month goes on, I will keep you posted on how that is working for me.
And you experienced authors out there, feel free to comment with any suggestions and recommendations you have that has worked for you, and that you think may be beneficial to me, or to other authors who follow my blog.