Media Blackout Thoughts
Last Thursday, as promised, I had a media blackout that extended until Monday afternoon.Now, the length of the blackout was accidental. It was supposed to be just one day. But I had a long day at work on both Wed & Friday, and volunteered to work on Sunday. Saturday i spent the day with my family, running errands most the days.
So, my extended blackout was more out of exhaustion and managing stress. Sometimes that happens to me. Where i do an unplanned blackout due to stress or being overwhelmed by one project or another.
That said, it was a fresh change of pace to not worry about a new post for Thursday last week. And i was able to carve out a little time to spend with my family, which is always good.
However, now i am very, very, very far behind on emails, scheduling interviews & book spotlights, and on my writing projects. So, at least this time, the blackout and rest from writing has caused me more stress than it relieved, which is more often than not the case with me.