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Why I Hybrid Publish

Why I Hybrid Publish

Not every title deserves to be published with every publisher, nor should every title be self published.

I felt like Cosby Media Productions was the correct home for The United.

But my short stories were not a good fit with any publisher.
Some short stories of mine were a good fit with some anthologies, so i submitted them.

That’s why I hybrid publish.

Now, that being said, my decision felt right to me. If you have a different path that works and feels right for, that great. My purpose in sharing this is so you can understand my choice, and hopefully help you talk out what works for you.

The Revenge of the Fifth!


I am a bit of a Star Wars Geek, can you tell?

To many today is Cinco de Mayo. Yeah, and to all you who celebrate that holiday, may you have a great day. But to me, it is the birthday of my Uncle. Many Happy Returns Uncle! I love you (even though I really doubt he’ll see this.)

Anyway, the Month of May is the month we talk about Publishing. As a hybrid author, meaning I have a traditional publisher (Cosby Media Productions) and I self publish some things, and I am part of a couple self-published anthologies. So unlike last month, (editing) I actually know a few things about publishing.

So let’s talk publishing.


Some authors are lucky and they can publish with just one publisher their entire career. And that works for them, and that works for their publisher. If that is not you, no worries.

Let’s start off with what type of publishers there are.

There are the traditional publishers. The Big 5 in New York City, Cosby Media Productions, and the like.

Then there are the self-publishers.

Then there are Vanity Presses, which as far as I understand it, Vanity Presses are a one stop shop for a self-published title where you pay the Vanity Press, and they do everything for you, instead of you shopping around for an editor(s), cover designer, formatting, and you having to upload your book to whatever book distributor you choose.

Throughout the month I will go into greater detail about each option, and why you may want or not want to choose it for your individual project.

So, stay tuned!