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Release Day Ideas


James Quinlan Meservy again.

This afternoon I want to share with you some of my ideas for what you can do on Release Day.

So your big day has finally arrived. And now, your book is live. It is a BIG DAY, and it does not matter it if is your 1st published book, your 2nd published book, or your 50th published book, it deserves to be celebrated!

Many people celebrate their birthday every year, so why shouldn’t your book, which took a considerable amount of your own personal time to create, be celebrated as well.

There are many ways to celebrate on Release Day. It really does not matter how you celebrate, just that you do.

Some release day ideas include:

A Social Media Event, such as Facebook or MeWe with yourself or with other authors.

A Social Media Blitz, posting pics, prerelease reviews from your Street Team, any promotional materials you may have, etc. on Twitter, Facebook, MeWe, Instragram, Tumblr, or anywhere you have a Social Media Presence.

Holding a personal party with cake or ice cream or pizza or BBQ wings or whatever your party foods are for yourself and maybe a few close friends or family members.

Doing a Book Signing on release day, either in a book store or coffee shop, etc.

There are multiple other ideas that you can do, but my point is for you to do something. Just something to celebrate your success.

November Thought


This is James Quinlan Meservy, and I do sincerely apologize for not posting about November’s topic before now, but I have been so busy lost in my own world of writing that I time flew by.

The November topic is one near and dear to my heart, Book Releases.

In my own writing career I have had successful releases and not so successful releases. The difference is in the planning and the execution.

There are a few different strategies on book releases. The easiest, and the one with the least amount of sales, is a soft release. A soft release is when you or your publisher uploads your manuscript onto Amazon or Draft2Digital or other book publishing sites and hits submit without any fanfare or celebration. Now I am not saying that a soft release is a bad idea. It really depends on the purpose of the book, and it is an easy way to become a published author. But if your purpose is make sales, then this may not be your best release day strategy.

I can only speak for myself, but after I finish writing a book and am ready to publish it, I want to share my book with the world, and let people know I have a new book about to come out. And I prefer to have 3 months to prepare for a book release. During those three months I am busy hosting a cover reveal party, sharing sneak peaks and previews and quotes from the book with my Newsletter Followers and Social Media followers. I am joining every applicable Newsletter Swap to my genre, and sharing either my direct purchase link or universal link on Social Media platforms.

I create a media kit, which includes book cover, blurb, sales link, and ask for blog tour swaps and invite friends to help me share the good news of my release. But here again, that is what I do. I am very busy in my 3 months leading up to a release making as much noise as possible. One other thing I do is tend to look over other fantasy author’s ideas and see what works and does not work for them.

Not every author is the same, and not every book should have the same type of release, but some general ideas leading up to release day are:

Participate in Newsletter Swaps

Participate in or Create a Blog Tour

Hold a Social Media Event (Facebook, MeWe, wherever you have a presence)

Create a Street Team, a Street Team for those of you who are new to publishing is a group of readers you send out Advance Reader Copies (or ARCs), and they in turn post reviews before or on release day on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, and other book review platforms.

Mind, these are just a few ideas for leading up to a release.