Guest Post from Sam’s Teen Reads Corner, presented by Thrice Read Books
Guest Post from Sam's Teen Reads Corner, presented by Thrice Read Books Guest Post from Sam's Teen Reads Corner, presented by Thrice Read Books Mornin! The monthly theme for March is Marketing Madness. One of my favorite things about being an author, is connecting...
Guest Post From Amanda Lindsey, PA
Guest Post From Amanda Lindsey, PA This month's theme is Marketing Madness, as you already know. And Personal Assistants are great resources to help authors with marketing and promotions. I have very limited experiences working with a PA myself, so I asked my friend,...
My Marketing Struggles
Mornin! So as part of my refocusing my blog, I am going to start posting about myself more often, and I am going to post about the monthly themes that are being used in the Burning Embers blog. And the theme for March is Marketing Madness. I will tell you what,...
Marketing Madness Begins Now
Ready for March’s Marketing Madness? Join this month’s discussion revolving around marketing strategies both paid and free.
Mornin! Final Thought for February
Mornin'! I am James Quinlan Meservy Fantasy Author Extraordinaire, Creator of Creatures Embelisher of Events And Firebrand "Stories That Kindle Imagination." Have you ever wondered why I created that banner? Or what those self definitions mean to me? Well, I try to...
Mornin! Why Burning Embers
I know it is late February when the Fireside Chat Theme is nearly over, but before it disappears completely, I wanted to share with you how the initial idea for Burning Embers came about. First, there is something you need to know about me. I have suffered from...
Piracy and what to do about it…
Piracy sucks and hurts all of us. Yes, even you. Piracy to any indie or traditionally published author it is a total P.I.T.A. (pain in the butt*) when you find your book is listed on a site that is obviously a nefarious ne'er-do-well front. As a side note... I'm...
Are Retellings Of Stories Still Hot Or Not?
Are retellings of stories still absolutely one hundred percent still hot on the market? Or should one look to write in another genre?
Price my book for free? Or not to be free?
That is the ultimate question that many authors are asking today. Should they price their latest book for free or the low price of $0.99?
Books and movies and shows, oh my!
Reading books, watching shows and movies we all have that certain list. Each seems to be never ending and ever expanding. LOL.