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I am James Quinlan Meservy,

Fantasy AUTHOR Extraordinaire


And just my luck, August’s theme is Cover Art, a topic of which I know nothing.

I have bartered for cover art, had my publisher design cover art, but have never created my own cover art, and honestly I don’t know where to begin.

I admit that cover’s are important, but they are not my specialty in any way.

Here is my thoughts on covers. I don’t care.

Personally, I am going to read a book because of the author, the series, because a friend recommended I read something, or because an author requested that I review their book on my blog. That’s it. Covers do not even register on my “I am going to or not going to buy/read this book.”

I have seen some book covers that I’m like, “what is that?” Others where I am like “Awesome cover, horrible book description.”

But, I am in the minority of readers. I know a lot of readers who buy books because the cover looks great, so covers are important, but I am not the one to tell you why, how, or even how much a quality professional cover costs (like I said, I barter for covers).

So, with that, have a great August, and I will do what I can to find some guests to talk about covers, and invite my co-host of this blog, Alicia Scarborough (a Photoshop Sorceress who designs phenomenal covers) to share her insights on the month’s theme.